Aging – a reality

Aging, a process we are all called to endure. (Image by Sabine van Erp from Pixabay)

If you are here reading my post, it is very likely that you feel that life could be lived in a better, happier, healthier and more comfortable way. Let me reassure you, even I felt the same way a few years back when I developped chronic back pain in my early forties. But, that was only the beginning, and as months went by I started feeling more exhausted (even when I was not doing any physically demanding tasks) and lacked motivation to do anything. The only thing that kept coming to my mind was, ‘you are getting old, and it is normal that life from now on will be associated with pain’. I was scared and unprepared for this whole aging process. I am sure you would say, early forties is not very old, but it is around this time that the changes start to slowly show up in our body (development of wrinkles, skin starts to sag, pain becomes more chronic and for some of us, a tendency to put on weight).

I saw many doctors, to help me sort out my back pain. Following my MRI, the doctor said that my discs are slowly wearing out and that I should learn to live with the pain and take pain-killers to alleviate my pain when it was unbearable. The other option he offered to me was to have an operation and have pins intalled in between my vertebrae to keep them apart to reduce the impact on the discs. Surgery was not something I was ready for, hence the pain was there most of the time. I felt miserable, and got even more scared of the whole aging process and didn’t know to whom to turn to for help. Aging is an undeniable fact, but not everyone ages in the same way: there are people who continue to have a great life as they age. Why can’t I be among those people?

This is the point where I started reading and researching extensively about aging and how to age gracefully. After, filtering through loads of articles and blogs, I developed the knowledge and understanding of how the body changes with the aging process and the sort of adjustments needed in our lifestyle to support those changes in order to live healthily. I came accross some interesting facts that I thought would be worth sharing with anyone who is seeking help to tackle aging head-on and keep living a happy life. This is what led me to creating this blog. I aim to write about the various components in our lives that need tweaking to support a comfortable life; these range from diet, health, exercise, sleep, work, clothing, shoes and stress.

I strongly believe that we all deserve to age gracefully and should have access to the relevant information to allow us to make relevant choices in life. Aging is something that happens to all, but let’s learn to take care of our new self (as we age) so that we can all live the best life that we all deserve.

So, just buckle up, relax and enjoy the ride as we  look into how to create the best version of ourselves in order to live the best life possible.

Life is but a ride, enjoy it!

Sunset – a beautiful analogy for the aging process we all go through. Sunset is still the most beautiful thing we all stand in amiration of.